Les enjeux de performance et de rentabilitĂ© dans lâindustrie sont de plus en plus forts amenant les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs Ă optimiser leurs processus, rĂ©duire les coĂ»ts et amĂ©liorer la satisfaction client en permanence. Les efforts rĂ©alisĂ©s...
How does ICD help automotive suppliers improve their synchronous support with L3PX ?
What is L3PS ? Since 2002, ICD International has deployed the Syflux L3PS (Programmed Performance Logistics for Synchronous Operations) solution developed in partnership with RENAULT, based on their specifications. An L3PS is an order that is sent to supplier up to 10...
How is artificial intelligence transforming the supply chain ?
Supply Chain transformation is a key issue for many companies. The procurement process plays a critical role in the customer experience, cost control, and corporate agility with respect to market opportunities. Companies seek speed, reliability, and traceability while...
ICD successfully rolls out the first synchronous supplier using Corail
 Sevelnord is the second factory in the PSA Group to benefit from Corail, a vast program to transform upstream logistics and information systems. The Groupâs former information systems will be replaced by this new tool. Corail is based on three main principles :...