Be more efficient, accelerate your competitiveness!

Digitalization and automation business process solutions

Our business : data exchange and digitalization

Experts at EDI for over 30 years, we help our customers to work more effectively with their partners, and thus increase their productivity.

Our strength : mastering your business challenges

4 ranges - 9 solutions designed to make it easier for business teams to
concentrate on their core business.

Facture électronique en France et à l’international

Dématrust, the most comprehensive platform for Digitalization invoices

PDP solution
Invoice processing optimization
Fiches internationales
Digitalization documents

A range of solutions to dematerialize your daily documents documents

Pay slips
Product data sheets
Commercial contracts
Optimizing supply chain

Solutions for better collaboration within the supply chain

Synchronous feeds
Shared procurement management
EDI solutions

A complete offering to simplify and automate exchanges between partners

EDI hosting

Support at every stage of your project

Our team of consultants are experts in our technologies and know your business challenges, so they can provide you with the right answers.

We support you in the definition, deployment and operation of your solutions. We bring your partners on board to offer you a turnkey solution. We are committed to being available, responsive and efficient.

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